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Most Popular Swim Tips

Butterfrog Extreme (The Old School Butterfly Stroke)

If you have ever wondered how you can combine butterfly and breaststroke, here is your answer :). In fact, this is an old school stroke that used to be popular a long time ago and is still used by some older masters swimmers. I would not recommend anyone using this in a competition, however...
Butterfrog Extreme (The Old School Butterfly Stroke)

Sprint Breaststroke Workout (How To Improve Your Breaststroke Kick)

Many of you have asked me to give some breaststroke workout advice in your comments, so here it is. Below you will find a few tips for your breaststroke 50s and 100s and I am sure it could come handy for longer events as well. First, keep in mind that breaststroke is a combination of leg power...
Sprint Breaststroke Workout (How To Improve Your Breaststroke Kick)

How To Improve Your Kicking? (Fun Kicking Drills)

In this post, I will discuss a few tips and tricks on how to improve your kick or how to make kicking more fun. Why would I bother you may ask? Well, having both effective and efficient kick is a must-have if you are serious about improving your swimming speed. In fact, without a good kick,...
How To Improve Your Kicking? (Fun Kicking Drills)

Getting Water In The Nose While Swimming (How To Plug Your Nose, So You Do Not Choke On Water?) - part 1

The efficient movement of our bodies in the water while swimming, does not come naturally to the majority of our water filled planet's population. Putting our faces in the water and having fun around and in our local pools, lakes, oceans, seas or rivers is, however, as common as your favorite brea...
Getting Water In The Nose While Swimming (How To Plug Your Nose, So You Do Not Choke On Water?) - part 1

Do Not Let Your Computer Take Over Your Body Posture - Go For a Swim!

Nowadays, computer skills are almost as common in everyday work life as lunch breaks. However, with this advancement in technology and skill, come also negative side effects in the face of very bad habits, especially when it comes to our body posture. I know I am guilty of it. Even right now...
Do Not Let Your Computer Take Over Your Body Posture - Go For a Swim!

Learn The Flutter Kick By Doing it Wrong (Freestyle Swim Kick Explained)

A proper flutter kick is one of the most important keys to an efficient, fast and enjoyable freestyle swimming experience; however, it is also one of the hardest parts of the freestyle stroke to learn. I’ve taught countless individuals with varying skill levels and everyone is different in the wa...
Learn The Flutter Kick By Doing it Wrong (Freestyle Swim Kick Explained)

The Most Useful Drill for Each Stroke

Being a beginner swimmer is definitely not easy. Where do I start? How do I do it? It seems much harder than it looks. How come? These are just a few questions I get asked all the time. As I discussed on many occasions, swimming is not as simple sport as it may seem. Sure, what is there...
The Most Useful Drill for Each Stroke

Your Body As A Tree Log (Correct Head Position During Swimming)

If you have gotten this far, you have seen the light and are serious about improving your swimming, so let's get started. There are many schools of thought regarding teaching swimming, some rely on repetitive swimming a lot of kilometers or miles to improve, some swear against it and focus only...
Your Body As A Tree Log (Correct Head Position During Swimming)

Aquaspotter Review: Swimming Safety In Open Water

Final rating: 5/5 Roaring speed boats, slowly churning fishing barges, a crazy youngster on jet skis, tourists in canoes and kayaks, all of these have one thing in common and it is called "danger to swimmers". When you do not have the luxury of swimming in open water without any boat traffic,...
Aquaspotter Review: Swimming Safety In Open Water

Aquaviz Review: The Swiss Army Knife Among Swimming Prescription Masks

Final rating: 5/5 I’ve grown up as a full-blown chlorinated pool swimmer with lifelong search for the perfect fitting goggles. I swear, I must have tried like 50 different types and always found them inadequate. Either they leaked or the suction was too much on the eyes until I found the...
Aquaviz Review: The Swiss Army Knife Among Swimming Prescription Masks